Why does Africa keep lagging behind in science and technology? From my perspective.
There is no doubt that Africa is lagging far behind in technology, utilities and healthcare. I often wonder what went wrong with African Countries.Poorest of the poor countries like Somalia, Congo,Sierra-lone e.t.c are there in Africa parts of Africa like Nigeria has gas and oil resources but still lagging behind. What is the reason? After critically thinking, there's a saying that people who pray too much can't be logical. I'm not saying it's not good to pray but at the same time let's be real here, "Of all the people in the world Africans pray a lot, they over do church services." A large number of African countries believe there is only so much a man can do to create a better life for himself. You've probably heard the "God works in a mysterious way" comment a billion times, yes God does work in a weird way, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't use our God-given knowledge to create something for ourselves. You may ask what's the way forward then. Fortunately the world is moving in direction which is advantageous to those who still have to do catching up. we have start-ups, and brilliant african youths creating brilliant ideas with their time and knowledge. But we can't rely on just them. We have to join and support them.Youths like you and I should challenge the status quo. We have thousand and thousands of knowledge materials on the net. It does not pay and it's a complete waste of time for young people to spend most of their time sharing photos on most social sites. YouTube is full of good material. You don't have to pay any tutor any more. You can download tutorials from any university. Educate yourself. We are living in software engineering, get programming skills. It starts with you and I and it will get better with our children if we can bear some. Secondly we have to elect leaders that are technocrats, experts and educationalists. Let's try to do away with ignorance. You have the time, find a mastery. Look for something you're very good at and become better. Crash a computer with virus and try to recover data from it. All the tools which were once a privilege of the few, now rare available to anyone. Now we have blockchain technology. Find out every thing about cryptocurrency, digital wallets, encryption. This technology(ies) will change us and the things around us and even change the way things are done. Try to look for ebooks about all this. Inves in yourself and future. "Innovation isn't just in tech,There's innovation in culture." If Africa becomes one of the continent with the best technologies. Africa will turn to an innovation hub.Bringing the world closer to African culture, literature, fashion and media.
The world is going to be listening to Nigerian music, and African authors are going to be best-sellers.